
发布日期:2022-10-20 14:31:01


Science and technology exhibition hall realizes the perfect combination  of digital  display and art display. The science and technology exhibition hall breaks through the thinking pattern,   strengthens the regional science and technology advantages, and realizes the purpose of displaying the enterprise technology  and  super  strength  with  the  high-end  exhibits and auxiliary display means,  which is a good way to enhance  the  competitiveness of enterprises, and provides the most convincing physical space for enterprises’ external publicity and display


When it comes to “science and technology exhibition hall”, people first think of may be the use of exaggerated geometric patterns and lines, with a variety of dazzling lights, and then some LED screen, just  through  the pile of modeling elements  and  light layout to render the environment atmosphere, after the visit, customers are often confused, do not know the feeling of what they want.


How  do  the  enterprises  that  truly  become  high  and  new  technology  and  serve users with technology make the exhibition  hall that  can convey the  values and mission of the enterprises? The Mandarin  Oriental  design  team  (WeChat ID: Mandarin Oriental design)  has  accumulated  a  lot of experience and exploration in the   design scheme of the science and technology exhibition hall after years of exploration.

展厅的空间布局 产业轴与企业文化轴

The spatial layout of the exhibition hall is the industrial axis and the corporate culture axis

展厅的产品, 人文, 人的交互关系动线图

Exhibition hall products, humanities, human interaction relationship dynamic line diagram



Show the relationship between technology and people

As a real technology company,  the most   important manifestation of the “sense of technology” is the technology itself. Let visitors realize the close relationship between the technology and itself, if the exhibition hall is in the enterprise, let visitors cannot feel   the technology and associated, cannot express the  relationship  between  technology and  people, let visitors really  feel the prospect of the industry, the  product about the  user’s dribs and drabs,  all this “sense” of  science and technology is also empty talk. So, technology is putting people first.



Innovation of display products and new marketing mode

Science  and technology exhibition hall can generally set up   new marketing exhibition area, new operation  exhibition  area,  new  manufacturing   exhibition  area,  new  life  and     future   exhibition Innovation is the soul of a technology company, showing the diligent pursuit of product research and development and innovation, and showing the  new marketing model of Internet thinking.Visitors can strengthen  the interaction  with the  visitors through  the live touch screen, physical model, VR virtual reality, and convey the company’s products, research and development, technology and sales concepts to the visitors.


Modern display  space display techniques,  display  form is  not directional,   dynamic display is a popular display in science and technology exhibition hall, enterprise exhibition   hall theme content is different from the old static display, using activities, operation, interactive,  the audience can not only touch the exhibits, exhibits, make specimens and models is more important  can interact with exhibits, let   the   audience    more   directly   understand  the functions and characteristics of products, by the enterprise   exhibition  hall  theme  static  display  to dynamic display, can mobilize the visitors’ active participation in consciousness, make the display more colorful, achieve good effect.

现代动态陈列的形式就不仅仅是点、线、面、色、光的结合,更是运用了现代科技的手段,利用现代声像技术、摄影技术、计算机模拟仿真技术等方法,在企业展厅主题内容中创造一个更为逼真的场景,使观众完全置身于一个更为真实的虚拟空间之中, 更加全面地了解企业的方方面面。

Modern dynamic display form is not only the combination of point, line, surface, color, light, but also   using   the means   of   modern   technology,   using   modern   sound   and  video technology, photography t echnology,   computer simulation   technology, in the enterprise exhibition hall theme content to create a more realistic scene, make the audience completely in a more real virtual space, a more comprehensive understanding of all aspects of the enterprise.



Display sublimation of enterprise culture, accumulation brand emotion

Science and technology exhibition hall the need to pay attention to show   their own enterprise culture, to   convey   to   visitors   the   entrepreneurial   history   of enterprise, team building, social responsibility, enterprise vision planning and historical mission, enterprise culture and scientific and technological innovation complement each other, promote each other,  advanced enterprise culture concept is the thought source of scientific and technological innovation.


The display of corporate culture should adopt a novel and interesting way, and show things to visitors   in   a   silent  way, so that visitors can feel the company’s corporate culture under a subtle influence, and recognize the enterprise from the heart.

当参观者走完整个品牌展示厅之后,沉浸式了解企业的产品,历史与文化,感受企业精神与发展愿景之后,从初步了解到真正认可公司后,在他们的脑海中留下些许记忆点, 这些留在他们心中的记忆点,成为“科技感”外壳下的真正内涵。

When visitors walk after a complete brand exhibition hall,   immersive   understand the enterprise products,   history   and   culture,   feel   the   spirit   of   enterprise and   development vision, from the preliminary understanding to the real recognition of the company, leave some memory points in their mind, these memory points in their hearts, become the real connotation   of “science and technology” shell.


文华东方设计机构是一家精于商业思维构建的创意机构,善于构建不同业态的空间协调与发展,致力于通过创意来驱动商业模式与居住模式的构建与互动,注重消费体验与生活体验的愉悦与考究。积极探索艺术与商业的创造性融合,人与空间的场景体验与互动。从概念创建到建造实施都秉承热情与专业专注, 坚持设计创新、材料与工艺的卓越质量,是一家创意设计与落地建造并举的多元化设计机构。
















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